莫丽红, 白解红.英汉基本味觉词的认知语义研究——以“甜”/“Sweet”和“苦”/“Bitter”为例[J].,2015,16(5):109-113
A Cognitive Semantic Study on the Basic Taste Terms in English and Chinese——With “Tian”/“Sweet” and “Ku”/ “Bitter” as examples
中文关键词:  基本味觉词 认知 语义分析
English Keywords:basic taste terms cognition semantic analysis
Fund Project:
莫丽红, 白解红 (湖南师范大学 外国语学院湖南 长沙 410081) 
摘要点击次数: 1056
全文下载次数: 795
      味觉词是描述人类味觉感知的基本词汇,对其语义的研究具有重要的意义。文章拟在认知语言学的框架内, 从概念隐喻和概念转喻理论的视角, 以“甜”/ “sweet”和“苦”/ “bitter”为例,对英汉基本味觉词的认知语义进行研究探讨,着重分析英汉语言中,味觉词语义衍生的共性和个性及其成因。
English Summary:
      Taste terms are used to describe the human taste perception. It is very significant to study the senses of these words. In this paper, the author mainly researches on the senses of the basic taste terms from the perspective of Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Conceptual Metonymy Theory, taking “tian”/“sweet” and “ku”/ “bitter” as examples. The similarities and differences of the senses of basic taste terms in Chinese and English are analyzed and a brief summary is made as for the causes of these similarities and differences.
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