黄 卓 越.移动的标尺:英美中西比较文论的展开路径[J].,2015,16(5):88-95
Moving Criterion: The Path of Sino-western Comparative
中文关键词:  中西比较文论 比较诗学 比较叙事理论
English Keywords:sino-western comparative literary theory comparative poems comparative narrative thery
Fund Project:
黄 卓 越 (北京语言大学 汉学研究所北京 100083) 
摘要点击次数: 958
全文下载次数: 1029
English Summary:
      The paper describes a whole path of Sino-western comparative literary theory in Anglo-American sinology, divides it into two stages, and summarizes the research of the second stage as two patterns. The paper expects to reveal some internal perspectives or criterion concealed beneath each model, and thinks the changes of these models used to be dominated by several elements distributed in different levels, such as the balance of discourse power between China and the West, Western own problem consciousness facing their social crisis, the transitions of cultural ideas and research methods, etc, which are believed to have different impacts on the development of comparative literary theory.
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