任 洁.基于创意组织的特性:探析创意领导力的功能[J].,2015,16(5):63-66
A Study of Functions of Creative Leadership:
中文关键词:  创意领导力  创意目标  创意活动  创意组织文化
English Keywords:creative leadership creative goals creative activities creative organizational culture
Fund Project:
任 洁 (重庆交通大学 人文学院,重庆 400074) 
摘要点击次数: 1159
全文下载次数: 1079
English Summary:
      Creative leadership is related to the creative areas. The nature of creative activities determines the specific characteristics of creative leadership. One of the most significant goals of creative leadership is to inspire creative people’s creativity and innovation, which makes the difference between creative leadership and general leadership in functions. A key part of creative leadership is the build-up of organizational culture in order to satisfy the characteristics of creative work, which essentially embodies the functions of creative leadership. On the basis of analyzing the nature of creative leadership, this study explores the specific functions of creative leadership, and pitfalls.
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