Game Analysis of Bank Accounts Receivable Financing Mode of Supply Chain Finance
中文关键词:  供应链金融  应收账款融资  博弈模型
English Keywords:supply chain finance  accounts receivable financing  game model
Fund Project:
戴剑勇,张在雄 (南华大学 经济管理学院,湖南 衡阳 421001) 
摘要点击次数: 1087
全文下载次数: 1025
English Summary:
      The financing difficulty is always the key to restricting the development of SMES.The appearance of supply chain finance provides a new way to solve the problem of financing difficulties of SMES.In this paper, it analyzes the relationship between banks,core enterprise and SMES through establishing banking game model in the supply chain financial accounts receivable financing. It concludes that: in the supply chain finance accounts receivable financing mode, the credit conditions of the core enterprises play a decisive role in the accounts receivable financing of SMES.When the cost of default is large enough, the core enterprise and SMES will choose compliance to achieve tripartite win-win situation.
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