A Corpus-based Interdisciplinary Investigation into English Academic Chunks
中文关键词:  文章基于自建的涵盖三大学科、库容为2'774'166词的英语学术论文语料库,调查分析了三类功能词块(即研究导向词块、文本导向词块、参与者导向词块)在不同学科期刊论文中的分布规律。研究结果表明,学术语篇词块中研究导向词块比例最高、文本导向词块其次、参与者导向词块最低  词块跨学科分布差异显著,主要体现在工科学术语篇中研究导向词块占总词块数量一半以上,人文社科中文本导向词块所占比例高于研究导向词块,此外,参与者导向词块在语言学中的比例最高,经管学科次之,工程类学科最低。学术词块跨学科分布规律与各学科研究内容、方法、范式及汇报方式密切相关。对英语学术词块使用特征进行基于语料库的跨学科考察有助于提升学习者英语学术写作能力,并能为EAP与ESP教学提供参考资源。
English Keywords:corpus cross-discipline academic chunk
Fund Project:
陈欣 (南华大学 外国语学院湖南 衡阳 421001) 
摘要点击次数: 1187
全文下载次数: 974
English Summary:
      Based on a self-built 2, 774, 166 word corpus of three-discipline English academic articles, this paper explores the disciplinary variations in the frequencies and preferred uses of chunks in terms of discourse function, i.e. research-oriented chunks, text-oriented chunks, and participant-oriented chunks. The findings indicate that research-oriented chunks occupy the highest proportion of all the chunks in academic articles, text-oriented chunks the next, participant-oriented chunks the lowest. It is also found that there are significant disciplinary differences in chunk distribution, which, to be specific, include the following aspects: firstly, research-oriented chunks take up more than half of all the chunks in the academic articles of engineering discipline, while in the disciplines of humanities and social sciences, the proportion of text-oriented chunks is higher than that of research-oriented chunks furthermore, participant-oriented chunks account for the highest proportion in linguistics, the discipline of economics, business and management the next, engineering discipline the lowest. The characteristics of disciplinary chunk distribution are closely related to research objects, methods, paradigms and ways of presentation across disciplines. The corpus-based investigation of English academic chunks across disciplines can help enhance learners' English academic writing skills and provide reference resources for the teaching of EAP and ESP.
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