Research on the Rules of Seal of the Company
中文关键词:  法定代表人和公司授权的其他人并加盖公司印章都可以代表公司  公司印章的使用和法定代表人签字是否联合使用与第三人的类型有关,针对特定的第三人时,法定代表人签字或公司盖章均可  如果第三人为股东时,则要求公司盖章  但如果是公司与不特定的第三人发生法律关系,法律要求法定代表人签字和公司盖章等联合行为。公司印章属于公司特殊的物,由法定代表人占有,但是权力机关可以授权其他主体占有。
English Keywords:the representative of the company  the legal representative  the seal of the company  the lawful occupant
Fund Project:
王仰光 (山东财经大学 法学院,山东 济南 250014) 
摘要点击次数: 826
全文下载次数: 810
English Summary:
      Both the legal representative and the person authorized and sealed by company can represent the company. When the company is dealing with the special person, either the sign of legal representative or the seal of company can delegate the company. If the dealer is the shareholder of company, we must take the seal of company as the delegation of company but if the dealer is not the special person, we must both take the seal of company and signature of the legal representative. The seal of company is the special object of company, which is occupied by the legal representative, but the shareholders have the power to decide which person could occupy the seal of the company.
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