The Reasons for the Decline of Shigu Academy in Qing Dynasty——In view of changes of the academy sacrifice
中文关键词:  千年学府石鼓书院是入清以后最早被允许恢复的一所书院,但此后其影响力不断趋弱,以至沦降为一般性的地方书院。相关研究认为这是清政府推行书院官学化政策等“外因”导致的结果,但是通过对书院祭祀变迁及其与学术风尚关系分析发现,清代以后石鼓书院对学术风尚的疏离,讲学风气日益沉寂,是造成书院逐渐式微的内在根本原因。
English Keywords:Shigu Academy the change of the sacrifice academic fashion
Fund Project:
吴小珍 (南华大学 马克思主义学院 ,湖南 衡阳 421001) 
摘要点击次数: 1134
全文下载次数: 756
English Summary:
      The Millennium institution of Shigu Academy was one of the earliest colleges to allow recovery in Qing dynasty, but its influence had been weakening and became a general local academy. According to relevant research findings, it was a result of external factors such as the Qing dynasty to impose the policy of the academy officialization. However, by analyzing the changes of the academy sacrifice and the relation between the sacrifice and academic fashion, we can see that the Shigu academy alienated the academic fashion which led to the lectures atmosphere weakening, and was the internal basic reason which caused the decline of the Shigu Academy.
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