Wu Cheng's Theory on Xin
中文关键词:  元代理学家吴澄的心性论内容丰富,寓意深远。吴澄从心能弘、心即仁及心具道三方面,结合“仁”、“道”、“理”等重要范畴对心性之可能及其形上根据进行充分论述,并以“弘”强调主体的道德自觉在心性之动态展开与现实呈现过程中的重要性。吴澄以“弘”统贯心的三种基本含义(即知觉之义、主宰之义以及道德之义),并以“仁”为本心之全德。在此基础上,吴澄通过对“心”的辨析疏理,为心学正名,将心学纳入儒家道统,体现了其弘扬心性的治学取向。
English Keywords:Wu-Cheng moral nature theory Xin
Fund Project:
吴立群 (上海大学 社会科学学院,上海  200044) 
摘要点击次数: 1053
全文下载次数: 780
English Summary:
      Moral nature theory is the core of Neo-Confucianism. Wu Cheng is a famous philosopher of Yuan Dynasty. His thought on moral nature theory is complex and grand. In order to understand correctly content and significance of Xin, Wu Cheng studied on Xin from three aspects as follows. First, Wu Cheng proposed Mind Is Great, Wu Cheng analyzed the three basic meaning of Xin, which is thinking, dominating, and having moral attribute. Then Wu Cheng elucidated the moral attribute of Xin, combining the idea of “Mind Is Humanity” in his theory. Finally, Wu Cheng set forth the abundant signification in Xin and Tao to clarify the misunderstanding of Xin and put the school of Xin into Confucian orthodoxy on the basis of Mind Contains Tao.
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