On the Values of Contemporary American Dream
中文关键词:  美国梦是美国精神和美国价值观的集中体现,它有力地推动了美国国力的增强和美国民族认同的形成,是美国国家软实力的重要组成部分。但是,当代美国梦所蕴含的价值观也面临偏离美国传统价值观的危机。美国社会不但正在逐渐丧失勤奋劳动的动力,也在逐渐丧失美国传统价值观对于其社会发展的支撑力。美国梦要保持它的生命力,需要进行全面反思,美国梦需要回归它最初的价值诉求。
English Keywords:American dream values personal struggle puritanism neoconservative
Fund Project:
曾志浩 (广东技术师范学院 马克思主义学院 广东 广州 510665) 
摘要点击次数: 1058
全文下载次数: 1002
English Summary:
      The American Dream is a concentrated expression of the American spirit and American values, which is a strong impetus to the US national strength and national identity of the United States forming an important part of American soft power. However, the contemporary values inherent in the American dream is also facing a crisis of traditional values deviated from the United States. American society is gradually losing not only the hard work of power, but also its traditional values and social development for support. The American Dream is to maintain its vitality, and a comprehensive reflection of the American Dream need to return to its original value demand.
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