Studies on Preventing Corruption by System
中文关键词:  运用制度规范、制约公权力,在一定程度上的确能起到防止腐败滋生和蔓延的作用,因此应当予以足够的重视,把权力关进制度的笼子里。不过,由于制度具有完善程度的相对性以及对其作用力的依赖性等局限,使之无法做到完美无缺,解决所有的问题。故而,根治腐败不能完全依赖于制度,而必须多管齐下,进行“综合治理”。发挥制度防治腐败的作用,在我国当下最为突出的问题就是如何提高其执行力。为此,应当在进一步增强制度本身的完整性、科学性和可操作性的同时,着力在提升广大党员干部对党的忠诚度和对制度的敬畏感、重视制度的宣传教育、责令领导干部做执行表率、加强对执行情况的检查与监督、强化责任的追究、加大处罚力度和搞好专业队伍的建设等方面出硬招,使大力。
English Keywords:prevent corruption function of system operating mechanism implementation of the execution
Fund Project:
杜雄柏 (湘潭大学 法学院 湖南 湘潭 411105) 
摘要点击次数: 1127
全文下载次数: 1141
English Summary:
      Restricting public power by system can combat and prevent corruption to some extent. However, the system has its restrictions such as the relativity of system perfection, the dependency of its acting force, etc. Eradicating corruption can not only rely on system, but adopt comprehensive treatments. The key to rooting out corruption lies in improving the executive force. So, we must continuously improve the institutional system by promoting party members’ loyalty, strengthening their respect to the system, intensifying publicity and education, setting good examples of leading cadres, reinforcing the responsibility investigation, increasing penalties and developing construction of professional team, etc.
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