Value Analysis of Outlines of Economic Law to Promote
中文关键词:  党的十八届三中全会公报提出了全新政治理念,即促进国家治理体系和能力现代化。制定经济法纲要,是规范政府新经济管理职能,依法协调政府和市场关系,规范政府配置资源行为的基本要求。经济法纲要,最大法律价值在于确认和保障资源配置的市场决定性地位等。经济法纲要,是法治市场的重要法律依据,它将有助于促进国家治理能力现代化。
English Keywords:governance capabilities Outlines Economic Law governance based on law resource allocation
Fund Project:
刘云亮 (海南大学 法学院,海南 海口 570228) 
摘要点击次数: 1054
全文下载次数: 912
English Summary:
      The Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist put forward a new political notion, namely, to modernize national governance system and capabilities. Outlines of Economic Law echo the essential needs of regulating the government's new function of economic management, reconciling the relationship between government and market in accordance with law, and regulating the resource allocation conducted by the government. The most significant value of Outlines of Economic Law lies in the fact that market plays a decisive role in assuring resource allocation. Outlines of Economic Law are the basis to rule the market economy and will facilitate the modernization of governance capabilities.
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