肖 宗 志.中国保举制度的源流及其基本特征[J].,2015,16(3):65-71
The Origin and the Evolvement of China's Recommendation
中文关键词:  保举制度  渊源  流变  影响  特征
English Keywords:Recommendation System origin change impact characteristics
Fund Project:
肖 宗 志 (南华大学 政治与公共管理学院湖南 衡阳 421001) 
摘要点击次数: 1035
全文下载次数: 1399
English Summary:
      Recommendation System is one of the oldest and longest Candidate Employment System in China.And it has had a profound and far-reaching impact on Chinese politics in its era of authoritarian.Even in the modern China,Recommendation System has been taken place by Civil Service System gradually,which is under the principle of transparency and merit.However,Recommendation System,as an informal institution,still exists and actually plays a certain role.Thus this article analyse the origin and the evolvement of Recommendation System over more than two thousand years,expounds its changes of primary and secondary status in Candidate Employment System and summarizes the basic characteristics of China's Recommendation System.
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