On Causes of the Favor Tradition and Its Reasonableness and Unreasonableness
中文关键词:  人情  关系  脸面  儒家伦理
English Keywords:the favor  guanxi  face  Confucian ethics
Fund Project:
贺培育,姚选民 (湖南省社会科学院 中国马克思主义研究所湖南 长沙 410003) 
摘要点击次数: 1179
全文下载次数: 955
English Summary:
      The favor is of the tangible or intangible resources for people's emotional exchange in the old Chinese culture circle,and is of the rule followed by the people in the old Chinese culture circle,which is the conception of interpersonal communication of valuing acquaintance,paying attention to personal feelings,being interested in interpersonal relations,and containing return option.The favor tradition is deeply influenced by the way of agricultural life,Confucian culture,feudal rule mode and so on.And the favor tradition has its specific historical role,for example,to build solid family relations,to cultivate social relations full of tender feelings,to safeguard the stability of the traditional social structure and so on.However,the favor tradition also has some negative effects,such as self interest embezzling righteousness,the rule of law displaced by the rule of man,“diplomacy” weakening the strength and so on.
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