陈 润 羊.公众参与高放废物地质处置研究[J].,2015,16(3):37-41
Research on Public Participation in Geological Disposal of
中文关键词:  高放废物  地质处置  公众参与  核能  环境公平
English Keywords:high level radioactive waste (HLRW) geological disposal public participation nuclear energy environmental justice
Fund Project:
陈 润 羊 (兰州财经大学 甘肃经济发展数量分析研究中心甘肃 兰州 730020) 
摘要点击次数: 1303
全文下载次数: 1129
English Summary:
      High level radioactive waste(HLRW) disposal is an important factor to influence the sustainable development of nuclear energy.China has clearly defined the technical route of deep geological disposal of HLRW.The domestic and foreign development practice of nuclear energy shows that ,public participation is a key factor to influence the development of nuclear energy.At present,although the academic circle has formed a broad consensus on the research significance of public participation in geological disposal of HLRW,its system research is still relatively weak.On the basis of reviewing the research status of Public Participation in geological disposal of the HLW at home and abroad,this paper puts forward the countermeasures about public participation in geological disposal of HLRW in our country: to scientificly understand the gaps of theory research between home and abroad about public participation in geological disposal of HLRW China should carry out in-depth study on public participation in geological disposal of HLRW interdisciplinary integration is the effective way to promote public participation in the studies of geological disposal of HLRW.
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