谭 桂 林.“耻辱”之后,再是什么——评丸尾常喜鲁迅研究专著《耻辱与恢复》[J].,2015,16(2):98-107
“Stigma”, and Beyond:Review of Maruo Tsuneki's Monograph on Lu Xun Study Stigma and Recovery
中文关键词:  丸尾常喜  耻辱与恢复  物哀  求生意志  民众认识
English Keywords:Maruo Tsuneki  stigma and recovery  sentimentality  will to live  people know
Fund Project:
谭 桂 林 (南京师范大学 文学院江苏 南京 210046) 
摘要点击次数: 1037
全文下载次数: 1147
English Summary:
      Japanese scholar Maruo Tsuneki conducts the study of Lu Xun in respect of his awareness of “shame”, which properly harmonizes Lu Xun's “national self-criticism” and self-presentation of life. His study not only reflects the Japanese tradition of sentimentality in its national identity, but also mirrors a serious shortage in Chinese traditional culture. However, misinterpretations are found in Maruo Tsuneki's study. He attempts to explore and praise the protagonists' “Will to Live” in Lu Xun's novels, which actually is the condemned ideology of “a living dog is better than a dead lion” in Chinese traditional culture, criticized by Lu Xun himself. What's more, Maruo Tsuneki argues that Lu Xun heads towards recovery in the warmth and strength of “People Know”, thus, regards the recovery of stigma as the end of Lu Xun's literary activities, which in effect belittles the significance of Lu Xun's literature.
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