姬丽萍,陈 帅.蔡和森对中共党史研究的开拓性贡献[J].,2015,16(2):81-86
CAI He-sen's Pioneering Contribution to the Research on the History of the Communist Party of China
中文关键词:  蔡和森  中共党史  党史研究
English Keywords:CAI He-sen History of the Communist Party of China research of the history of the party
Fund Project:
姬丽萍,陈 帅 (南开大学 马克思主义教育学院天津 300071) 
摘要点击次数: 1194
全文下载次数: 1117
English Summary:
      CAI He-sen is one of the important founders of the Communist Party of China,he carried on the hard exploration for the establishment and development of the Communist Party of China .With the development of early Chinese revolutionary and the growing of the Party, CAI He-sen successively wrote the development of the history of the Communist Party of China history and the history of the Party's opportunism, which set the foundation of the research on the history of the Communist Party of China.CAI He-sen made important contributions to the research on the history of the Communist Party of China,not only in lefting valuable literatures for the study of the history of the Communist Party of China and for the complete research on the first revolutionary civil war,but also in providing a scientific theory and methods for the study of the history of the Communist Party of China.CAI He-sen made his research on the history of the Communist Party of China,which is on marxism and objectiving evaluation with the attitude of seeking truth from facts of history, then setting a shining example for junior scholars. This paper conducts a systematic and comprehensive analysis on the CAI He-sen's research on the history of the Communist Party of China, and points out its shortcomings.
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