纪 亚 光.蔡和森建党思想的形成与影响[J].,2015,16(2):74-80
The Development and Influence of Cai Hesen's Thoughts on the Construction of the Party
中文关键词:  蔡和森  建党思想  中国共产党  共产国际
English Keywords:Cai Hesen party construction thoughts CCP the Communist International
Fund Project:
纪 亚 光 (南开大学 马克思主义教育学院天津 300071) 
摘要点击次数: 1041
全文下载次数: 980
English Summary:
      As one of the founders of the Chinese Communist Party, Cai Hesen was the first who initiated the idea of setting up the CCP, and further systematically elaborated the nature, guidelines, principles, strategies, organization rules, methods and steps of party construction. He also endeavored to prepare solid foundation for the establishment of the initiative organization of Chinese Communist Party in Europe by guiding the practices of party construction. The development of Cai Hesen's thoughts on party construction was originated from the request of his era for nation rejuvenation and liberation of its people out of the dilemma of the weaker the poorer. Cai developed his rather complete and systematic theories on party construction without the help of any external forces such as the Communist International. The relatively independent development of Cai's thought together with his efforts in pushing forward the practice of party construction fully demonstrates that the birth of CCP was not a “transplant of Russia”, nor the “foster of the Communist International”, but an inevitable happening in the developing process of modern China.
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