刘衍永, 邓雅泓.习近平人民主体思想的三维解读[J].,2015,16(2):12-16
On Xi Jinping's Idea of People's Subjectivity
中文关键词:  习近平  人民主体思想  价值主体之维  动力主体之维  权力主体之维
English Keywords:Xi Jinping People's Subjectivity value subject main body of motivation subject of rights
Fund Project:
刘衍永, 邓雅泓 (南华大学 政治与公共管理学院湖南 衡阳 421001) 
摘要点击次数: 1179
全文下载次数: 929
English Summary:
      Idea of People's Subjectivity is one of fundamental differences between materialist conception of history and idealist conception of history. Idea of People's Subjectivity proposed by Xi Jinping is a succession of what Marxism advocated. It at least contains value subject, main body of motivation and subject of rights three dimensions, Value subject reflects the direction and aim of socialism with Chinese characteristics, main body of motivation reflects the strength source and support for achieving the aim, subject of rights reflects the right positioning of the essence of socialist public state power. Under the leadership of CPC, the three points form an organic unity in the practice of People's Subjectivity during socialist modernization cause with Chinese characteristics.
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