李 长 利.厄德里克的力量书写——评《桦树皮小屋》[J].,2015,16(1):116-121
Force Representation of Erdrich in The Birchbark Hous
中文关键词:  《桦树皮小屋》  力量书写  印第安部族
English Keywords:The Birchbark House force representation Indian tribes
Fund Project:
李 长 利 (首都体育学院 外语教研室, 北京 100191) 
摘要点击次数: 942
全文下载次数: 1141
English Summary:
      Louis Erdrich is one of the most productive writers of American Indians. The Birchbark House is one of her children’s novels. The novel arranges its structure according to the sequence of the four seasons in a year. With Omakayas, the Ojibwa girl as its focus, the novel reveals the intelligent, force and the attitude of the Indians towards nature, their own race and the non-Indians. Erdrich lays an emphasis on force, and the structure arrangement indicates the force transferred among people in the Indian tribes. The cohesion of force reflects the universal love, the love of other tribal members, and love of all living things in universe. The circular of this love construct a kind of powerful force, which will encourage the Indians to endure all the sufferings and enjoy the flourish of Spring and Autumn.
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