代 维.川陕苏区报刊宣传事业探析[J].,2015,16(1):96-100
Analysis of Newspaper Propaganda in Sichuan-Shanxi Soviet Area
中文关键词:  川陕苏区  红色报刊  宣传事业
English Keywords:Sichuan-Shanxi Soviet area communist paryt newspaper propaganda cause
Fund Project:
代 维 (四川民族学院 旅游系四川 康定 626001) 
摘要点击次数: 979
全文下载次数: 984
English Summary:
      In the environment of the arduous struggle,Sichuan-Shanxi Soviet Area insisted on publishing a number of red newspaper, to publicize the party's thoughts and ideas, encourage the masses of the people and unite the revolutionary progress education power.The red newspaper has the characteristics of obvious political tendency and perfect organization.And according to the actual situation of the area, propaganda made it suit one's measures to local conditions combined with being easy to understand. At the same time, the content is rich, and the purpose is clear .Give full play to the main position of ideological revolution propaganda function of the red newspapers, Soviet propaganda achieved remarkable results,revolutionary ideas spread, the Red Army scale increase, and people take an active part in the revolutionary.It pushes to carry out the Soviet political, military, economic, and culture work, and reflects the great role of cultural and propaganda work in the revolutionary struggle.
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