The Assessment of China’s Compilaton of the Economic Codes
中文关键词:  经济法典  编撰  编纂  创制
English Keywords:economic codes writing compilation making
Fund Project:
编撰经济法典第二研究小组 (中国计量学院 法学院浙江 杭州 310018) 
摘要点击次数: 1189
全文下载次数: 1127
English Summary:
      The writing of the economic codes comprise the compilation and the formulation of the economic codes. The current two existing economic codes of the PRC  versions wirtten by the Office of the Legislative Affairs of the State Council and the Law Press Center have played a positive role in compiling the special economic laws, but the deficiencies existed are the weak law awareness in the departments and the scarcity of rigorous logic system.etc. Entrusted by the central committee comrade, China’s former Economic Laws Research Center of the State Council has organized Yang Zixuan and other 19 national experts on economic laws to draft the outline of the economic law of PRC, which produced a pioneering meaning to the writing of the national economic laws based on the experts’ draft, but it’s hard to completely adapt to the need of the socialist market economy that requires the market to paly a decisive role to the resource distributions and gives government better use. The assessment to the economic codes compilation is beneficial for us to learn a lesson and promote the development of China’s economic codes compilation.
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