谢 天,陈建华,韦瑶瑶,张俊波.基于语义的电力系统工作流智能推理框架[J].,2015,16(1):64-71
Power System Oriented SemanticWorkflow Reasoning Framework
中文关键词:  电力系统  语义网规则语言  语义工作流  本体
English Keywords:SWRL workflow semantic reasoning ontology
Fund Project:
谢 天,陈建华,韦瑶瑶,张俊波 (南华大学 经济管理学院湖南 衡阳 421000) 
摘要点击次数: 1154
全文下载次数: 678
English Summary:
      To achieve the intellectuality of the working process of manufacturing system in the power system, in this paper, the technologies of ontology, semantic reasoning, data mining, and so on are combined to build a power system oriented semantic workflow reasoning framework. The ontology concept and relation models of the workflow and the system resources involved in this framework were constructed, then the relationship between the power production demand information, the ontology workflow and power system resources are set up. And the trigger reasoning rules of workflow generating is researched and constructed by the technology of SWRL. The application model of workflow trigger reasoning is achieved by Protégé and reasoning engine of Jess, and the reasoning experiment is achieved.
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