陈 晓 曦<作者单位>.“基督教化的斯多亚主义”与功利主义精神——论弗兰西斯·哈奇森的自然情感理论[J].,2015,16(1):32-37
“Christianized Stoicism”Ethics and the Spirit of Utilitarianism——On the significance of Hutcheson’s natural affection theory
中文关键词:  弗兰西斯·哈奇森  基督教化的斯多亚主义  自然情感  功利主义
English Keywords:Hutcheson  christianized stoicism  natural affection  utilitarianism
Fund Project:
陈 晓 曦<作者单位> (滁州学院 思想政治理论课教学研究部,安徽 滁州 239000) 
摘要点击次数: 1324
全文下载次数: 1081
English Summary:
      The shine of Hume and Smith may sometimes obscure the panorama of the Scottish Enlightenment,so that Hutcheson’s thought is not being fully considered. Max Weber, in order to interpreter the relationship between the Protestant Ethics and the spirit of the Capitalism,revealed the concept of Calling;likewise Hutcheson has accomplished a shift between “Christianized Stoicism “Ethics and the spirit of Utilitarianism:presented a new science of human nature at the core of natural affection,moral sense theory included. However,many classical Scottish moralists are characterized with the tendency of “Christianized Stoicism “Ethics. From“Following Nature”to“Following Natural Affection”,thus new constitution of human mind,natural affection,and human’s sociability provide a solid foundation for the channel from Stoicism stressing on self-command and inward freedom to Utilitarianism stressing on public welfare and aggressiveness.
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