任德曦,胡 泊.关于我国能源革命与核电发展的探讨[J].,2015,16(1):8-15
Discussion on Energy Revolution and the Development of Nuclear Power in China
中文关键词:  中国能源革命 化石能源 非化石能源 雾霾 三步跨越 抓紧启动沿海核电
English Keywords:China's energy revolution fossil energy non-fossil energy haze three gallops promptly begin coastal nuclear power
Fund Project:
任德曦,胡 泊 (南华大学 经济管理学院,湖南 衡阳 421001) 
摘要点击次数: 1272
全文下载次数: 955
English Summary:
      In June 2014, XI Jinping pointed out in the sixth meeting of the Central Financial and Economic Leading Group: “we must push for energy production and consumption revolution” and “promptly begin construction of the new nuclear power projects in coastal areas”. The history of world energy revolution suggests that energy develops from low carbon to high-carbon and returns to low carbon energy againthe first energy revolution generates the great development of productive forces, but also leads to resource consumption, ecological damages and environmental pollution, which causes the second revolution of low carbon energy. Therefore, China's energy revolution could not take the old road in Western developed countries, but should carry out the new energy revolution dominated by nuclear power. Energy consumption, energy supply, energy system, energy technology and international cooperation are the tasks of the new energy revolution. China's energy revolution from three steps to two steps is a long-term and complex process, which needs a generation's efforts, until the middle of 21st century to fulfill it. A great deal of information shows that nuclear power is the most potential, efficient and clean energy, which can undertake the important task of replacing fossil energy.
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