Understand Media Ecology
中文关键词:  媒介生态学  生态学范式  技术生态学
English Keywords:media ecology  ecological paradigm  technology ecology
Fund Project:
何志钧 鲁东大学 文学院山东 烟台 264025 
摘要点击次数: 1072
全文下载次数: 1419
English Summary:
      How to understand the ecological paradigm of media ecology is the key to media ecology research. Media ecology is not like some theorists think that is a kind of concept using the ambiguity caused by the ambiguity and misunderstanding. It is not an analogy metaphoreither either. As a matter of fact, the media ecology is not monolithic, there are many differences in different generations, schools and theorists. There are several typical categories media ecology, such as Lewis Mumford on Tech-ecology, Harold Innis on the bias of communication, Robert Logan on Media Ecological System, Neil Postman on Media Environment and Paul Levinson on Media Evolution. Similarly, Herbert Mcluhan focuses on the influence of media on perception. Ecology paradigm goes throughout the media ecology research. That media is affecting every aspect of human life, including media ecology, social ecology and cultural ecology, which is a general agreement for media ecologists.
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