Consumers' Personal Information Protections in Online Transaction in the Age of Big Data
中文关键词:  消费者个人信息  举证责任  经济效率
English Keywords:consumers' personal information  burden of proof  economic efficiency
Fund Project:
曾新宇 四川大学 法学院四川 成都 610000 
摘要点击次数: 1063
全文下载次数: 1326
English Summary:
      In 2013 the twenty-ninth of the new “consumer's interest protection Law” will be the first time to confirm the protection of consumer personal information as one of the consumer rights .The change is a major breakthrough in the field of consumer protection. But in the judicial practice, it's hard to quote for parties, so the protection of consumer gets stuck and the justness of litigation is difficult to realize. The article will classify the tort form of consumer personal information in the practice and discuss the necessity. The study should be based on the balance of interest to study the system design configuration of the burden of proof to adapt to different categories of tort.
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