The Study About the Relationship Between the Largest Shareholder and
中文关键词:  大股东持股  所有权性质  社会责任  企业绩效  核电类上市公司
English Keywords:largest shareholder  nature of ownership  social responsibility  enterprise performance  listed enterprise of nuclear power
Fund Project:
李冬生,张玲红 南华大学 经济管理学院湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 1140
全文下载次数: 1132
English Summary:
      Currently, corporate social responsibility draws more and more attention. Therefore, we take the 2008—2012 listed companies in nuclear power and related industries as samples. From the nature of ownership and corporate performance point of view, we study the scope and mechanism about the relationship between the largest shareholder and corporate social responsibility. Through empirical analysis, we found that: the higher the largest shareholder owns, the more possibility corporate social responsibility will be fulfilled; but in the non-state-owned enterprises, the higher the proportion of large shareholders own, corporate social responsibility initiative will be even lower; The largest shareholder always enhances the implementation of corporate social responsibility by improving the performance of enterprises.
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