The Study of Online Consumer Behaviour and MarketingCountermeasures in the Mobile Phone Industry
中文关键词:  手机行业  网络消费行为  营销对策
English Keywords:mobile phone industry  online consumer behavior  marketing countermeasures
Fund Project:
王铁骊,张继艳① 南华大学 经济管理学院湖南 衡阳 421000 
摘要点击次数: 1165
全文下载次数: 1021
English Summary:
      The advent of the era of mobile shopping and consumer enthusiasm for online shopping way influenced the development potential and competition condition of the mobile phone market. How to locate the target market and clear online consumer behaviour characteristics in the mobile phone market is the universal attention paid by the mobile phone industry producers and sellers .This study firstly analyzed the influence factors of online users’ behavior in the mobile phone market by questionnaire survey, then research consumer preferences and consumer trends by Ali platform analysis tool—Taobao index .At last, this study presented product strategy, brand strategy, price strategy, diversification strategy and customer relationship management strategy for the online marketing in mobile phone industry.
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