On Tort Liability Incurred by Violation of Medical Information Disclosure Obligation
中文关键词:  医疗伦理损害责任  医疗告知义务  患者自主决定权
English Keywords:the tort liability of damages for medical ethics  the informed obligation of the doctors  patients’ right of self-determination
Fund Project:
武慧琴 天津师范大学 法学院天津 300387 
摘要点击次数: 1148
全文下载次数: 1047
English Summary:
      Chinese Tort Liability Law draws a distinction between the tort liability in information disclosure area and the tort liability in diagnosis area. Article 55 is a special provision which stipulates the tort liability incurred by violation of medical information disclosure obligation. In comparison with the tort liability in diagnosis area, the tort liability incurred by violation of medical information disclosure obligation has a huge particularity. Its distinctive rights basis is the protection of patients’ right of self-determination. Its doctrine of liability fixation is the basic principle-doctrine of liability for damages. The Standard of Patients and Combination of Subjective and Objective Standard should be used to identify the infringement act. It’s necessary to regard pure infringement of patients’ right to be informed as the ‘damage’ in the constitutive elements of tort liability when predicating the cause-effect relationship.
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