Study on the Phenomenon of the Rise of Southeast Asian Women Politicians
中文关键词:  东南亚女性政治家  崛起现象  民主化  女性主义
English Keywords:Southeast Asian Women Politicians  the Rising Phenomenon  Democratization  Feminism
Fund Project:
王瑜贺 北京大学 国际关系学院 北京 100871 
摘要点击次数: 1615
全文下载次数: 1850
English Summary:
      In the development of human history, the gender differences between men and women cause the traditional international politics to be considered as a male-dominated field, while those women who can make a difference are just a few numbers, the active ones in politics are also mostly male politicians. Since ancient times, people have formed the consensus that women are not suitable for participation in political affairs and women only have a subordinate position which they are just a supplement for men. Looking around the world, although there are some successful cases of female leaders in modern world, Southeast Asian women politicians’ political road is different from other places that there have appeared a number of women politicians in the process of national political development. This article will start from the political influence of Southeast Asian women, describe the phenomenon of the rise of Southeast Asian women politicians, and analyze the characteristics and the reasons for the rise of Southeast Asian women politicians in accordance with the three kinds of social backgrounds put forward by Huntington Samuel’s argument on the issue of “the third democratic wave”.
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