How Similar the Two Giants Are——On the Convergence of Political Lyrics Between Guo Xiaochuan's and He Jingzhi's and Evaluation from Literary History
中文关键词:  郭小川  贺敬之  政治抒情诗  趋同化  工农兵文学  创作原则  大我  小我
English Keywords:Guo Xiaochuan  He Jingzhi  political lyric  assimilation  literature of workers, peasants and soldiers  creation principle  the Collective  the ego
Fund Project:
刘江 柳州铁道职业技术学院广西 柳州 545007 
摘要点击次数: 3150
全文下载次数: 1554
English Summary:
      Guo Xiaochuan and He Jingzhi are outstanding poets in Chinese contemporary literature history, but their political lyrics are very similar, which are reflected in their field of vision and ideas of concerning the fate and the future of the country, great spirits and valiant sentiments in feelings and mind when they were young and profundity in emotion in their middle-age, and open-heartedness in style and charm. It's not evidence-based but subjective for previous literary history works to evaluate their respective peculiarity. We should attribute their similarity to the standardization of the literary creation principle of workers, peasants and soldiers. The so-called combination of “the collective” and “ego” actually abandons “ego”, resulting in the phenomenon of assimilation of creation.
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