Study On Kun-ti Poets Learning Bai-ti in the Early Song Dynasty
中文关键词:  宋初  白体  昆体  阶段学白  考论
English Keywords:the Early Song Dynasty  Bai-ti  Kun-ti  Part Learning Bai-ti  research
Fund Project:
汪国林 安徽科技学院 中文系 安徽 滁州 233100 
摘要点击次数: 1221
全文下载次数: 1117
English Summary:
      Bai-ti,Kun-ti and Wan-tang-ti were said to be the Three-ti in the early Song Dynasty.Bai-ti Poems were in pursuit of the easy and flowing style,while Kun-ti Poems in pursuit of elegant and gorgeous style. They had different aesthetic tastes and flourished in the early Song Dynasty. But the Song Dynasty poets had been affected by Bai-ti poetry, and had particularly close relationship with Bai-ti and Kun-ti. There were many Kun-ti poets with a distinct Bai-ti style. The main representatives are Lee zong-e, Ding -Wei, Zhang -Yong, and so on. They are the representatives of Part Learning Bai-ti in the early Song Dynasty. Discussing Bai-ti style in their poems, can enrich for understanding of the early Song Dynasty Bai-ti poets and poems academic circles.
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