Analysing the Whole Audio and Video Recording System and Misjudged Criminal Cases
中文关键词:  全程录音录像制度  刑事错案  监督制约
English Keywords:the whole audio and video recording system  misjudged criminal cases  prevention
Fund Project:
刘文化 中国政法大学 刑事司法学院北京 100088 
摘要点击次数: 1388
全文下载次数: 1180
      2012 年刑事诉讼法规定了全程录音录像制度。全程录音录像制度是遏制刑讯逼供的重要法宝、是印证讯问笔录的重要载体、是记录“案中案”是否发生的重要工具。当前,全程录音录像制度主要存在法律和司法解释规定粗疏、选择性录音录像问题突出、监督机制缺失等问题。完善全程录音录像制度、切实防范刑事错案,需要进一步完善相关法律制度规定、加强内外监督,实现侦查机关与羁押场所管理体制上的分离。
English Summary:
      Criminal Procedure Law provides the whole audio and video recording system in 2012. The whole audio and video recording system is not only an important magic key for curb torture to extract confessions, but also a vital carrier to confirm the interrogation record and a significant tool to record whether the case happens .Currently, there are some problems existed in the whole audio and video recording systems, such as the provisions with careless legal and judicial interpretation, selective video and audio recording problems,deficiency in oversight mechanisms and other issues. It is necessary to improve the whole audio and video recording system so that to effectively prevent criminal misjudge occurred. Furthermore improving provisions of the relevant legal system, strengthening the internal and external oversight system and separating the investigating authorities on the detention facilities management system are also a matter of great urgency.
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