Looking for Mao Zedong's “Commune Complex” from a Letter
中文关键词:  毛泽东  人民公社  情结
English Keywords:Mao Zedong  the People's Commune  complex
Fund Project:
张新强 中共中央党校 党史部北京 100091 
摘要点击次数: 1191
全文下载次数: 834
English Summary:
      In 1958, the people's commune in China known as “a specific way of transition to communism” was raised like a coax. Mao Zedong has always been an admirer of the people's commune. We may get Mao's “Commune Complex”from a letter addressed to Wu Lengxi etc. at August 19, 1959. Mao Zedong had planned to use powerful survey materials to refute some blame for the people's communes from home and abroad. He viewed the people's commune as a foundation of the future communist society, and must be protected. In a series of his own important speech about people's communes, Mao brought all his reveal to the preferences of the people's communes. To explore Mao zedong's “commune complex” with the letter as clues, “small microcosm” has been confirmed well to “big history”.
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