An Analysis of the Industry Innovative Ideas of “Das Kapital”
中文关键词:  创新驱动  产业创新  《资本论》  党的十八大报告
English Keywords:innovation-driven  industrial innovation  “Das Kapital”  Report of the18th National Congress of the CPC
Fund Project:
廖桂容,黄德胜① 福建师范大学 经济学院,福建 福州 350108 
摘要点击次数: 1193
全文下载次数: 864
English Summary:
      It was reported in the 18th National Congress of the CPC that as the strategic support of social productivity and comprehensive national strength, scientific and technological innovation must be placed at the core of the overall national development. The report stressed the necessity of adhering to the road of independent innovation with Chinese characteristics and the implementation of innovation-driven development strategy. Obviously, this major decision is profoundly supported by Marxist theory. Therefore, from the perspective of industrial innovation, this paper, based on production and realization of surplus value, competition and collaboration of capital, preliminarily discusses the industrial innovative ideas in “Das Kapital” to better understand the innovation-driven strategy on the theoretical level.
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