Where Do the Urban Villages Will Go——And the housing rights of migrant workers
中文关键词:  城中村  农民工  住房权
English Keywords:the urban village  the migrant workers  the housing right
Fund Project:
孙林 仲恺农业工程学院 人文社科系广东 广州 510225 
摘要点击次数: 1186
全文下载次数: 1189
English Summary:
      The urban villages as a unique phenomenon in the process of urbanization in China are a foothold of migrant workers in cities. At the beginning of the reform, the urban villages were formed due to the shortage of formal housing,and the migrant workers have to turn to informal housing market; Into the 1990 s, because of the management of the urban village itself and its vast differential rent of land reserves, the whole country was in a “GanChaoXing” urban village reform movement. The migrant workers didn't get enough attention for their housing right. “The new national urbanization planning (2014—2020)” insists on the direction of the urban village reconstruction,and at the same time establishes the housing development goals for permanent residents in cities and towns, but the target is still low, which determines the urban village as the city's main housing market will continue to exist for a long time.
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