Learn the Mental Strength from the History of the Communist Party of China to Realize the Chinese Dream
中文关键词:  中国共产党历史  中国梦;精神力量
English Keywords:The history of the Communist Party of China  Chinese dream  mental strength
Fund Project:
周春燕 华东师范大学 政治学系上海 200241 
摘要点击次数: 1398
全文下载次数: 1317
English Summary:
      The history of Chinese Communist Party is not only a national spirit whose core is to carry forward patriotism,but also the spirit of time of which the core is to propagate the reform and innovation.It is the best textbook to promote the Chinese nation's great rejuvenation and realize the China Dream.We must study this history seriously,and take history as a mirror.We must learn from the history of the communist party of China and carry forward the national spirit and the spirit of time in order to realize the Chinese dream which is the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation
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