Contributions to the Finalization of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics of Hu Jintao
中文关键词:  胡锦涛  中国特色社会主义  定型化  贡献
English Keywords:Hu Jintao  socialism with chinese characteristics  finalization  contributions
Fund Project:
吴丽萍 湖南省委党校 湖南行政学院 科学社会主义教研部湖南 长沙 410006 
摘要点击次数: 1339
全文下载次数: 1135
English Summary:
      The socialist Finalization is a theoretical proposition put forward by Deng Xiaoping in the conversation in southern China . Since the party's sixteenth meeting, in the process of pushing on practice innovation and theoretical innovation and system innovation,with Hu Jintao as general secretary of the CPC central committee it has made new contributions to the Finalization of socialism with Chinese characteristics,which mainly reflects in the following six aspects:strategic position,concept of development,essential attributes,the historical azimuth, the foreign development road and the construction of the ruling Party.It is these contributions that have laid a solid foundation for our Party to continue carrying forward socialism with Chinese characteristics and building comparatively well-off society in the round,also ,it makes clear the direction and requirements for the whole Party to open up the socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new century and new stage.
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