The Composition Style of Huang Yongyu Tian Xiang Ci
中文关键词:  黄咏雩  天蠁词  以诗为词  熔铸经史
English Keywords:Huang Yongyu  Tian Xiang Ci  composing Ci in the style of poem  mastering the Confucian classics
Fund Project:
彭敏哲 中山大学 中文系,广东 广州 510275 
摘要点击次数: 1140
全文下载次数: 1446
English Summary:
      In the 1930s and 1940s,Huang Yongyu was an active figure in the Southern Guangdong literary circle. He was one of the representative figures of the Lingnan poetry circle in the Republic Period.His Tian Xiang Ci reflected the social reality and also chanted personal feelings. His Ci style of the Republic of China had its own features: composing Ci in the style of poem; imitating the styles of Ballads and Li Sao; mastering the Confucian classics and using them to express profound meanings; combining the strong points of the powerful and free school with that of the subtle and concise school; being both vigorous and quiet. Its artistic value is remarkable and worth attention.
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