张笑仪,邹海贵① ,王国平②.大学新生心理健康状况调查分析——以南华大学2013级新生心理普查数据为例[J].,2014,15(2):90-94
Investigation and Analysis on Freshmens Psychological Health Status——Taking the psychological census data of USC in Freshmen 2013 as an example
中文关键词:  心理健康教育  大学新生  SCL90  UPI
English Keywords:psychological health education  freshmen  SCL-90  UPI
Fund Project:
张笑仪,邹海贵① ,王国平② 南华大学 学生工作部湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 1182
全文下载次数: 988
English Summary:
      To understand the main psychological confusion of freshmen and propose how to promote them adapting to university life, solve psychological confusion, and strengthen the education of freshmens psychological health,we use the symptom checklist 90 (SCL-90) and University Personality Inventory (UPI) to invest the psychological health of Freshmen in 2013. The results show that there is a significant difference in the gender (χ2(1)=8.594,P=.003) , family atmosphere(χ2(5)=1.195,P=.000)and monthly family income(χ2(8)=3.710,P=.000)between the number of students who have the positive factors (one or more than one factor are positive) and not in SCL-90; there is no significant difference in the gender (χ2(2)=1.343,P=.511)among the number of three results in UPI, but in family atmosphere (χ2(10)=6.309,P=.000)and monthly family income (χ2(16)=56.488,P=.000) . The interpersonal sensitivity and obsessive compulsive symptoms are the main psychological confusion of freshmen. Gender, family atmosphere and economic conditions of the family are related to the university students psychological health status.
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