Study on the Influence Factors of Female Peasant Workers Labor Contract Signing in Fujian Province
中文关键词:  女性农民工  劳动合同  签订
English Keywords:female peasant workers  labor contract  signing
Fund Project:
林绍珍 福建农林大学 金山学院福建 福州 350002 
摘要点击次数: 1180
全文下载次数: 1239
English Summary:
      This test dwells on the influence factors of female peasant workers labor contract signing in Fujian Province by dual Logistic Regression method. The results show that female peasant workers labor contract signing is strongly influenced by age, training, whether they required employer to sign labor contract. The other factors, such as education, whether or not joining tand the union, and the nature of enterprise dont influence their labor contract signing. The study suggests that, in addition to paying attention to the construction of the labor contract law system and law enforcement supervision, We should also pay attention to the female peasant workers training and strengthening the confidence and ability of safeguarding rights in order to enhance the signing rate of labor contract.
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