From Political Subject to Legal Subject: the Change of the Constitutional Rights Subject
中文关键词:  权利主体  义务主体  人民  公民
English Keywords:right subject  obligation subject  people  citizens
Fund Project:
徐和平,吴小建① 安徽广播电视大学 文法学院安徽 合肥 230022 
摘要点击次数: 1202
全文下载次数: 927
English Summary:
      The rights and obligations subject has experienced from the people to the citizens in our constitution. This change is a kind of subjectivity regression, that is, from politics subject to the legal subject. It embodies the great social development and progress of the law. It expands the scope of the rights and obligations subject, enriches the connotation of the rights and obligations, and implements the unification of the constitutional rights and obligations subject. The integrity of the rights and obligations subject gives the legal logic of equality concept of everyone. At the same it provides a constitutional basis for subject identification and protection. It is a historic progress, reflects the periodical development of the socialist democracy in China, and also reflects the rule of law concept that the Constitution is supreme and in the commander position in the legal system of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
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