On the Analysis of the Predicaments of House-for-Pension Program in Cities and the Countermeasures by the Government
中文关键词:  “以房养老”  适用群体  现实意义  困境  政府  解决措施
English Keywords:house-for-pension program  social groups  practical significance  predicaments  countermeasures
Fund Project:
吴伟彬 福建师范大学 公共管理学院福建 福州 350007) 
摘要点击次数: 1023
全文下载次数: 1063
English Summary:
      House-for-pension program means using house property as the living means for the aged. It is a new aging pattern, which can help relieve the increasing pressure of supporting the aged in China and improve the elderly supporting system in cities. The paper first deals with the social groups to whom the house-for-pension program can be applied and its practical significance, and then gives a detailed analysis of the predicaments in practice when the program is applied in cities in terms of established notions of citizens, land tenure, pension fund and security of the financial institutions and the fact that the government has not made corresponding policies. Finally, the paper offers some countermeasures from the perspective of the government.
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