The Establishment and Modern Development of Traditional Ontology
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English Keywords:ontology  being  etymology of concept  establishment of traditional ontology  modern development
Fund Project:
张晓兰,孟玲① 复旦大学 哲学学院上海市 200433 
摘要点击次数: 1022
全文下载次数: 1116
English Summary:
      “ Being ” is the core concept in western metaphysics in thousands of years. This paper traces in the first the etymology of being concept,and expounds western traditional ontology pioneered by parmenides, established by Plato and Aristotle. The fundamental establishment of this tradition, means that they have to distinguish the ultra perceptual world and the perceptual world, and think truth only belongs to the perceptual world. Along with turning to the modern epistemology, the unity problem of thought and Being becames the central issue, and traditional ontology problem is deep in crisis in the modern development. From Descartes to Kant, thought of being was changed, gradually was assimilated by subject, and was completed by Hegel. At the end the paper will explain critiques of Heidegger on the traditional ontology thoroughly in the modern western philosophy.
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