On Positively Pushing Forward the Development of Chinese Nuclear Financial System
中文关键词:  核能产业  核能经济体系  积极推进  完整强大的核能体系  核电大国强国
English Keywords:nuclear energy industry  nuclear financial system  positively pushing forward  powerful nuclear country
Fund Project:
任德曦,胡泊① 南华大学 经济管理学院湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 1157
全文下载次数: 940
English Summary:
      This paper strategically presents the outlook in positively pushing forward the development of nuclear financial system. Nuclear energy industry is a comprehensive energy that interacts with other energy system its also featured with security safety and cleanness; the majority of it is nuclear electricity. The energy resources in China are inadequate in amount and unbalanced in location, thus the structure of energy industry are to be bettered; owing to the need of nuclear technology in science research, national defense, nuclear medicine etc; to build a powerful complete nuclear system that includes nuclear resources, nuclear power station ;nuclear weapon; nuclear security etc is imperative. In order to construct a powerful complete nuclear industry financial system, we need to make future plan according to the strategical location of nuclear industry, bring up goals policies and methods, and follow the leading of the government.: the management system need to reform, for a highly political technical and military sensitive industry as nuclear energy, the relationship between government and market, government and company should be well taken care of, at the current stage National interest comes at first.
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