Translating Chinese Classical Poems Enlightened by the Principles of Imagists
中文关键词:  “意象派”诗歌  创作原则  中国古典诗词  翻译
English Keywords:imagist poetry  composing principles  Chinese classical poem  translation
Fund Project:
胡大伟,蒋显文①,易蕊英② 南华大学 外国语学院湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 958
全文下载次数: 1171
English Summary:
      Translating Chinese classics into the English language is one of the major means to promote excellent traditional Chinese culture worldwide. As a result, more and more translators and scholars are devoting themselves to translating Chinese classical poetry and/or studying the ways of rendering it into foreign languages. After studying the composing principles of imagist poets represented by Ezra Pound and other poets and the image-juxtaposing and superposing characteristics of most Chinese classical poems, this article puts forward that Pound’s technique of concentrating images into the creation of imagery poems, in combination with the method of nationalization, can be borrowed in translating Chinese classical imagery concentrated poems, so as to preserve the forms and the spirits of the originals, and that similarity of forms is the base of poetry translation and the similarity of both forms and the spirits to the originals is the aim of translating Chinese classical poems.
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