The Descriptive Translation Studies Approach to LeGuin’s Dao De Jing
中文关键词:  王昌龄  《诗格》  论文意  境思
English Keywords:descriptive translation studies  Ursula Le Guin  English version of Dao De Jing
Fund Project:
文爽 南开大学 文学院天津 300071 
摘要点击次数: 1217
全文下载次数: 1122
English Summary:
      Ursula LeGuin,the contemporary American woman writer,didn’t understand Chinese but rendered an English version of Dao De Jing which became popular later. By means of the perspective of descriptive translation studies we delve deep into LeGuin’s translation process which includes the selection of translated texts and translation approaches, the setting of translation purpose and translation content,the balance of the feedback to the translated text. It is useful not only in avoiding the negative influence of the standards study on the translation of Dao De Jing, but also in making the readers understand the interpretation strategy, interpretation objective of Dao De Jing and the translation efforts overseas.
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