Comparative Study on the Mornarchy of the Seven Countries in Southeast Asia
中文关键词:  东南亚  立宪主义  政体  君主立宪制  共和制
English Keywords:Southeast Asian  constitutionalism  political institutions  monarchy constitutionalism  republic
Fund Project:
尤乐 深圳大学 法学院广东 深圳 518000 
摘要点击次数: 1306
全文下载次数: 1428
English Summary:
      In the global economic and political liberalization tide, the highly power centralization of duality monarchy expresses that it is still in the embryonic state of constitutionalism in Brunei. In other countries, various political institutions embody culture and history in constitutionalism, for example, in the trend of virtue head of state, the constitutional monarchy in Kampuchea and Thailand contain culture and religion of the royal family and monks. In the absence of the heads of state of the constitutional monarchy to take care of the royal family and the monks of culture and religion, Malaysia's constitutional monarchy absorbs the history and locality of hereditary Sultan. And these countries have established the legislative and executive powers by the legislative and administrative division and the corresponding parliamentary cabinet system, which also reflects the transcendence to the form of government. The purpose of Philippine and Indonesia establishing constitutional presidential system and Singapore establishing parliamentary system which contains elements of relative real position president, is to prevent centralized and authoritarian restoration. Different form of political institutions under the constitutional framework has become the mainstream in the Southeast Asian countries
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