Why did Mao Ze-dong Launched the Yan’an Rectification Movement
中文关键词:  毛泽东  延安整风  原因
English Keywords:Mao Ze-dong  Yan’an Rectification  cause
Fund Project:
谌玉梅 中共中央党校 党史教研部北京市 100091 
摘要点击次数: 1333
全文下载次数: 1600
English Summary:
      Why did Mao Ze-dong launched the Yan’an Rectification Movement is a controversial issue for a long time in academia. This paper considers the main purpose is to establish a Communist Party of China with high degree of unity and solidarity and prepare for the great victory of Chinese revolution. But in the practice of revolution, promoting the construction of the party’s solidarity and unity is not easy. This is mainly manifested in the following three aspects: firstly, the existence of serious dogmatism tendency which is found in the party must be cleaned from the thought; secondly, the phenomenon of team impurity and sectarianism always exist, which must be rectified from the organization; thirdly, about how to see the route of the Communist Party of China in history, different opinions always exist in the party. The Yan’an Rectification Movement is a successful attempt to solve the above problems.
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