徐勤良, 黄清贵①.哈代战争诗文学现代性研究[J].,2013,14(6):125-128
A Study on Literary Modernism Traits of Thomas Hardy’s War Poetry
中文关键词:  哈代  战争诗  现代性  异化  启示录
English Keywords:Thomas Hardy  war poetry  modernity  alienation  apocalypse
Fund Project:
徐勤良, 黄清贵① 福建师范大学福清分校 外语系, 福建 福清 350300 
摘要点击次数: 975
全文下载次数: 1091
English Summary:
      The proliferation of Thomas Hardy’s war poetry is on the basis of trauma deriving from the modern war. It is among Hardy’s great contribution to the modern poetry. The modernity of Hardy’s war poetry prominently stands on the dispersonalfication of the human beings in the debris of the war and devastation of the civilization, the revealing of the new international patriotism separated from the stunt imperialism ideology, and apocalyptical exhaustion on the civilization in the shadow of the decline of faith on the God.
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